Health Articles

Stop Smoking Support
You are 4 times more likely to quit with dearPHARMACIST
There are many smokers who want to quit but feel afraid to make that step. With dearPHARMACIST you are four times more likely to quit smoking. Whether it’s your first time to quit or you’re trying again. Face to face consultations on a weekly basis has been proven to be a success. Improve your health instantly by quiting today.
Smokers all know the harmful effects of smoking. What seems obvious is the money you could save, however many ex-smokers only realise this when they finally stop paying for cigarettes. dearPHARMACIST’s stop smoking programme is an NHS funded service. What this means is that if you are exempt from paying for prescriptions the NRT products are given to you free. If you do pay for prescriptions, what this means is you pay a prescription charge for a week’s supply of NRT. This is still cheaper than what you are currently paying for cigarettes as a smoker.
Smoking is not just a habit, it’s an addiction. dearPHARMACIST has the experience and the skills to help you control this. Nicotine is the addictive element of cigarettes, whilst the rest of the cigarette is damaging. dearPHARMACIST will reduce the nicotine addiction using NRT. The weekly face to face consultations are there to support you through your journey to a smoke free future.
What to expect in a consultation.
Initially dearPHARMACIST will have a consultation to establish a quit date. This is a date you would commit to, to become an ex-smoker. This first consultation is very important as you and dearPHARMACIST will plan the next steps. From there on you will meet with dearPHARMACIST until you are confident to be an independent ex-smoker. The recommendation is 12 weeks of support therapy. If you feel you need more, dearPHARMACIST is always willing to support.
In each weekly consultation your carbon monoxide levels from your lungs will be measured. This will motivate you knowing that the harmful effects of smoking are disappearing.
Pop in store or contact dearPHARMACIST to start your smoke free journey.
Remember you can always visit dearPHARMACIST at Regent Pharmacy, 19 Windmill Street, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1AS. Come and meet dearPHARMACIST today