

Am I fragmenting the pharmacy world?

I just can’t sleep tonight. I keep going through it in my head. What have I done? Am I destroying what I am trying to do … Unity of Pharmacy! Its like that moment of fear that sets in, similar to when you have an exam and you realise you missed revising a whole section! The sudden OMG feeling!!!

I am part of the local LLP and sit on the board. I have also formed a small limited company with 4 other proactive pharmacists to try and secure commissioned services for local pharmacies. But it just dawned on me … Am I fragmenting the pharmacy world?

My initial reasons to be part of these groups, is so I could shape pharmacy and finally have a united voice. My recent experiences make feel I may be part of the fragmentation of this fragile profession. LLPs seemed to be a great way to unite pharmacists. However, now I feel my efforts are very local. This means that I am only uniting a small set of pharmacists. What’s happened to the bigger picture! Where is the leader of my profession; who should be uniting these small local innovations and spreading the word to all CCGs … Pharmacy is a great portal to be the healthcare hub for all patients!

Members of the LLP are followers and are waiting for the local LLP leaders to secure a service. Now, I am challenged on how to get non-members on board. Their reluctance to join is simply – why should I pay another group to bang their heads against the CCG brick wall.

I am constantly trying to engage pharmacy with the CCG. Very small progress happens. I get the same questions thrown at me; who is the voice for pharmacy, where is your evidence that pharmacy can deliver in unity, are all independents and multiples behind this service? I am left speechless … only because I cannot guarantee any of the answers as being YES!

All these pockets of LLPs and groups of pharmacists, who try to engage with the CCGs and other commissioners, are causing more fragments in pharmacy. Does that mean I am part of the reason to disengaged commissioners? Am I fragmenting the pharmacy world?